Intuitively exploring in Nusa Lembongan


25 November 2022 · Intuition

Game of intuition

I’ve spent a long time making decisions with my head, and so far it’s not working out. I spend time with people who get a fake version of me, do work that drains me, and pursue goals that other people came up with. Too often I opt for what I think I should do, rather than what feels right. When the word “should” is involved, the decision-making process is stressful: lists, calculations, going in circles with my thoughts. And what ends up happening all feels off, like the events betray the true life meant for me.

Time to change things up!

I’m playing the game of intuition.

The rules: Follow your intuition (a soft knowing) over intellect (loud and in language). Follow your instinct (slow, reveals itself over time) over impulse (fast, spontaneous, desirous). Then, be with what unfolds, whatever it is. Back your inner wisdom, and adapt: “It’s not about making the right decision, it’s about making the decision right.”

The instructions: Drop down from the chatter of the mind. Check in the body: the energy in the heart and in the gut. Place your hands on the heart space and the belly. What’s there? For example, is the space open and spacious and full of aliveness? Or is it heavy, dark, dense, knotted? Take your time to notice what’s going on. Do something else, then come back to check if the energy’s the same or has changed. Same energy is pretty telling.

Some questions for tricky situations: When you don’t want to do something that’s challenging, is it intuition talking or is it fear talking? (Intuition means it’s not right for your soul. Fear means you’re projecting into the future, using the flawed apparatus of impressions from past experiences. At no point in being guided by fear are you living in the present!)

When you do want to do something that’s easy, is it intuition talking or is it comfort-seeking? (Intuition means it’s right for your soul. Seeking comfort comes from fear of the unknown, wishing for things to stay the same, for all variables to stay knowable, which of course is not possible. If you never go outside comfort, you may dodge a scary moment, but you forsake growth.)

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