B l o g

August 11th, 2024

Dear yoga practice, You are the invisible thread of my sanity. You take my rumination, my single-mindedness, and drop it in a pool of awareness. You say look at all the things, not just one thing, and see how big this space is. If I’m sad…

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I went into a deep sleep, and when I woke, for longer than a moment, I was no “I”. There was just space, disoriented; no past, no future, nowhere to go, no one to become, nothing to do or achieve or regret, no worries or sorrow, and yet no hope, either…

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November 25th, 2023

Well, thank god for yoga teaching. Almost daily, I’m invited to weaken my sensitivity to what others say and do. Where else would I get the opportunity to offer, to several people in one hit, the rawest and deepest parts of myself…

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September 9th, 2023

On this trip my experience oscillates between highs and lows. One moment I disbelieve that life could be so generous. Wow, this is it, I think. Lush jungle, morning yoga, fresh whole food. The tempo of life has crescendoed to now, woman in Bali…

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December 2nd, 2022

Even though I’ve committed to feeling my feelings, part of me keeps dodging the exercise. When any contraction comes, usually in the form of fear, anger, or sadness, “do something else!” the part of me says, “anything!”. But I’m learning to say (often to the little girl…

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November 30th, 2022

I’ve spent a long time making decisions with my head, and so far it’s not working out. I spend time with people who get a fake version of me, do work that drains me, and pursue goals that other people came up with. Too often I opt for what I think I should do…

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November 25th, 2022

February 1st, 2024

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What makes us attracted to one person and not another? I thought my radar for spotting the right person was intelligent. I thought it was accurate, and that it supported my growth and evolution. Turns out, I was wrong. Until recently, I sought out people…

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