Telling about life

I want to write life into words. To tell tales of that summer in Granada, so good for my soul, that weekend in Lagos when I didn’t quit dancing, and that hike in the rain in Bled, when I was about to give up but didn’t.

I want to write love into words. What it’s like seeing you watch the sun fall below creamy clouds, me crumpled against you in the backseat of the car. I want to say that love melts over my body and stops the motions of my mind. That it creates my story and the stories of us all.

I want to tell of life and love the way music does. I want to pluck the strings of my soul, make a melody from my memories, and hear the harmony in my narration. I want to give my limbs over to living. For living’s sake, and, too, for the sake of telling.