Freedom • Inner Peace • Self-Discovery
I am here to help you feel at home in yourself.
What I offer is a relationship where you feel seen and heard. Within this sacred container you may tend to old wounds, glimpse your true potential, and ultimately return home to the peace and freedom within you.
1:1 Sessions —
Writing —
Meditations —
Hi, I’m Margery.
A few years ago, I uprooted my life.
I was working as a lawyer, and I was stressed, burnt out, insecure, and unfulfilled. Then, one afternoon, during a group session of self-inquiry, I had an epiphany that I was choosing a life that wasn’t mine; I was choosing it to prove myself to other people.
A revolution started: I quit my job, left behind a prestigious career, and began the inner work. I discovered the power of subconscious beliefs, and found the strongest one controlling my life: I’m not good enough. I was visited by many heavy emotions – Guilt, Shame, Despair, Confusion, Unworthiness.
And then, I found the medicine. It was here in my being all along. Through deep self-inquiry and meditation, by allowing my feelings and questioning my thoughts, I discovered a potential for great peace and freedom beyond the stories of the mind.
I am in love with this process and feel called to share it. So, here I am, bringing together my life experience, my natural warmth and empathy, and my training in counselling, psychology, yoga, and meditation, to support you on your personal journey towards a life that is true, fulfilling, and your own.