I help you remember and rest in your true nature.
A state of pure awareness, of oneness with everything.

Hi, I’m Margery.

A few years ago, I quit my job as a lawyer and the life that went with it.

I was hooked on chasing status, approval, and security, but I knew I had to stop. I could no longer ignore the voice of my intuition, that which told me I was made to use my gifts for something else. So I tumbled into the unknown, the world outside my legal career, and worked through feelings of grief, shame, and hopelessness.

And, I came out the other side.

Now I’m a student of spirituality and self-love. Aside from doing the work to shed layers of my conditioning, I share my presence and knowledge by teaching yoga, guiding meditation, writing about spiritual and psychological work, and offering support to those on the path toward authenticity, freedom, and self-love.

You can read more about my journey here.


About freedom, self-compassion, intuition, and more…

Teaching schedule and what you can expect from your journey in class…

Reflections on the path of spiritual and psychological work.


If what you want out of life is what happens in life, nothing can phase you.