B l o g

November 10th, 2022

I leave for Bali tomorrow. I’ve been hurrying time along, these last few weeks, so I can get ‘there’. I’ve been daydreaming, directing a movie in my head, me the lead lady. It’s ironic, because when I live this way, how will I enjoy the moment when it arrives…

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On this journey of seeing and feeling and healing, many moments when I’m acting a certain way, I’m sometimes confused about why. Is this healthy or harmful? Is this going towards or away from my values? Here are some places I inhabit…

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October 18th, 2022

Today I’m leaving Saipan. I feel a little grief. All I now have of my two-month trip is a vague impression, and some flashes of memories. Each moment, even if I experienced it whole-heartedly at the time, is done. Dancing in the bar last night, feeling free…

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November 10th, 2021

Beauty covers the island. Nature’s done her work here. I’m pressed against shorelines, sunsets, all things serene. I’m talking about running a trail in the jungle, freshly cut trail hours before, separating foliage like curtains at the finish to reveal Wing Beach…

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October 13th, 2021

I’ve spent the past week orienting. The word orienting means many things; two are finding one’s bearings and finding one’s feet. Bearings are easy – a place starts out foreign, but begins to feel familiar fast. Getting around in the beginning is a muddle...

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September 28th, 2021

As we whirl around the tarmac, I discover: my life is written in chapters. Each begins with a departure, this morning via Gate 51, and ends when I’m more the woman I’m willing myself to become. Each begins by going out, finding new parts…

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September 14th, 2021

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