A glimpse of emptiness

"The Rain Outside a Window"
Artist: Tetiana Teresh

I went into a deep sleep, and when I woke, for longer than a moment, I was no “I”.

There was just space, disoriented; no past, no future, nowhere to go, no one to become, nothing to do or achieve or regret, no worries or sorrow, and yet no hope, either.

No pain, no pleasure, no assembly of thoughts that formed an identity. No reference to place or language or matter.

Consciousness, just consciousness – bright, luminescent, empty, timeless.

Then I went to the bathroom; the window was open. Rain. Just the sound of it, permeating. No “I” and rain. Just rain. The smell of it, the freshness. Everywhere existed.

Slowly, out of the haze and into the clear space, thoughts floated in. They organised to create the illusion that had momentarily been dispelled. So-called “me”. A body that ached. Jobs to do. Concepts, ideas, a “future” to worry about.

But not without first writing down the no-thing-ness. So that later, “I” could remember.


Patterns of attraction